Project Snapshot

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Avaliable for download here on Steam.

Engine: Unreal Engine 4

Development Time: 3 months

Team Size: 10 people

Platform: PC, Steam

Role: Lead Level Designer

Crystal Call is a fast paced first-person speedrunner taking place within fractured ruins floating inside mysterious caves.


What Went well

  • The game was shipped on steam.

  • Working with a combination of in-person and virtual teammates and managed to successfully communicate for the majority of the project.

  • Still gathered playtesting data from remote playtesting despite COVID-19 limitations.

  • Level pipeline was smooth and efficient.

  • Stuck true to the core of the game and focused on bringing out the most fun in it.

What Went Wrong

  • Number of levels was over-scoped and caused a crunch towards the end of alpha and beta.

  • Metrics for the modkits were created too large which makes the player character feel really small.

  • A level had to be cut towards the end of beta due to scoping.

  • Miscommunications between leads caused tension in the leads team.

  • To make the game progression feel natural we had to rearrange the level order which caused confusion in level naming.

What I learned

  • I gained a lot of experience about the nuances of being a lead and working with teammates who are also friends.

  • Sometimes it’s best to concede a point for the good of the team.

  • It’s important to keep everyone relevant informed about important decisions to avoid additional work.

  • Documentation is important and useful but only when it is being actively used. Do not waste time on unnecessary documentation.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • The lead Level designer responsible for the design, implementation, and progression of levels across the game

  • Planned all milestones with team leads and presented milestones to stakeholders.

  • Created and maintained all level design documentation.

Samples of Work

Blockout Design vs Final Level

Blockout, Design, and Iteration

  • Designer for the majority of the 16 levels in the game.

  • Created quick throw-away action blocks that were essential in finding fun and unique level ideas.

  • Created 18 action blocks formed a strong base that we could flesh out into full levels quickly and efficiently.

Define and Maintain Best Practices for Level Design

  • Because our game was speed-focused we had to make sure levels read well at a glance.

  • Deciding on a foreground and background conveyance color was important for distinguishing the critical path.

  • The player should never get lost while playing and always know where to go.

  • The levels are short and designed to have a high level of replayability where the player must master the mechanics.

  • Levels should be short between 15-30s for a perfect playthrough.

Critical Path VS Background Assets

Final Progression Chart and Level State per Level


  • Tutorializing our mechanics was challenging and required iteration.

  • Getting the right level progression required shifting levels around and adding additional short levels so the player had enough time to spend on each mechanic.

  • Define and outline metrics to pass to the artists to create the mod-kit

  • Level Design Document - Best Practices and Metrics

  • Progression Chart and Level State