Project Snapshot
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Engine: Unreal Engine 4
Development Time: 4 months
Team Size: 56 people
Platform: PC, Steam
Role: Track Designer
HaberDashers is a couch competitive local multiplayer arcade kart racer featuring tiny people in a huge world.
What Went well
First cohort/team ever to create a game in TGP2, that was a high-enough quality to be shipped on steam.
Transition to working online due to COVID-19 was successful and did not impact the game.
Communication across teams and leads was mostly smooth, quick and efficient.
Successfully created tracks in tandem with other designers.
What Went Wrong
Art to Level design pipeline was slow and inefficient. It took some time to notify the track team when assets were complete.
Changes to metrics too late into the project caused issues with needing to readjust tracks to accommodate.
Rubber-banding balancing was not perfectly achieved by launch.
There was not an ideal amount of playtesting because of COVID-19
Even Better If’s
More playtesting, preferably in person. If not, find a more couch co-op friendly alternative to Steam’s Lets Play Together.
More show and tells about what each team has been working on.
Consider camera and how it impacts gameplay earlier on in the process.
Make sure there is a clear, centralized place for documentation.
Samples of Work
Living Room Level Paper Map to Final Iteration
Map Design
Designer for the bathroom and living room race tracks.
Drew over 40 maps (quick 15-30 minute bursts)
Speed maps were quick and dirty but were invaluable for getting ideas out.
The designs I created for the Living Room track were selected and taken through to the final shipping of the product.
Track Design Choices
Design choices were centered around the perspective of being small in a larger world
Actively got involved in the process by using Hot Wheel’s tracks for inspiration.
Took videos from a track-level perspective to figure out the correct perspective for the game
Implementation and Mod-kits
Implemented and designed living room tracks ideas.
Requested a mod kit and used it to create the track.
Gained experience communicating with other disciplines to implement the designs
Learnt important nuances that come with working with mod kits.
Balance and Iteration
Balanced pickups across all levels.
Added small clutter in the living room.
Pickups/hazards were challenging because the smallest tweak in placement had a large impact on the gameplay.